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The excel­lence achi­e­ve­ment pro­gram — for CEOs

Set yourself up for greatness! An eight-day educational program to re-wire your passion and motivation for excellent leadership.

The Excellence Achievement Program is a learning journey for CEO’s that addresses the mindsets, skills and capabilities required to lead a company to higher levels of excellence.

Through open discussion with peers, debate, action-oriented activities, and simulations you will develop four key competencies that will transform your leadership.


With the right tools one can achieve anything!

This program gives you the most efficient tools to take your own leadership and your company to the next level. Given the opportunity to learn from an experienced leadership trainer as well as together with likeminded people discuss common matters will give you the inspiration and drive to successfully develop.


The Excellence Achievement Program can help:

  • Fos­ter long-term stra­te­gic thinking
  • Build a strong lea­ders­hip foundation
  • Stream­li­ne both com­mu­ni­ca­tion and busi­ness processes
  • Gain custo­mer trust and loyal­ty – lea­ding to sales


Santi Martínez is the educator of the program, a leadership trainer with extensive experience. He has a master's degree in political science and an MBA. He has trained a large number of people in many countries and industries at companies, NGOs and educational institutions, both public and private. Some of Santi’s major interests are the link between happiness and freedom and issues related to motivation.

The program curriculum

Foundations of Decision Making: decision analysis and integrative thinking
  • Make bet­ter, more con­fi­dent deci­sions based on a bro­a­der per­specti­ve with a dee­per understan­ding of cross-fun­c­tio­nal dynamics.
  • Deve­lop a clear view of the futu­re of your com­pa­ny and set its long-term direc­tion in the glo­bal com­pe­ti­ti­ve context.
DAY 3, 4 AND 5
Deep Change: character development and self-management
  • With a heightened sen­se of humi­li­ty, be bet­ter attu­ned to lis­te­ning and lear­ning from your envi­ron­ment, asses­sing your strengt­hs, and iden­ti­fy­ing impro­ve­ment are­as and growth oppor­tu­ni­ti­es as a leader.
  • Understan­ding the power of emo­tions and mana­ging them in pro­fes­sio­nal envi­ron­ments. Leve­ra­ging cri­sis situ­a­tions as oppor­tu­ni­ti­es for resi­li­ence and learning.
  • Cla­ri­fy­ing per­so­nal values and purpose.
Organizational Leadership and Change
  • Inspi­re your team to take the next steps towards growth driving bet­ter align­ment more effectively.
  • Resol­ve con­flict, and fos­ter com­mit­ment and performance.
Negotiating and influencing
  • Lead com­plex nego­ti­a­tions to more effecti­ve outcomes.
  • Dri­ve your orga­ni­za­tion in one direc­tion, buil­ding a lega­cy that will allow your busi­ness to thri­ve for deca­des to come.
  • Articu­la­te your company’s vision, its values, and its mis­sion – set­ting an examp­le and becoming a sour­ce of inspiration.

Does the OptimaPlus Excellence Achievement Program – for CEOs sound like an interesting option for your company? Do you want to hear more and get more information about how the program would be tailored to your needs? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will arrange a meeting and tell you more!

Roland Snellman
0447 215 392